Free Downloads
In addition to my Pet Loss Grief Workbook and other printed materials, I am happy to offer a small library of worksheets and tipsheets that I have created on various topics related to pet loss that may be helpful to you on your healing journey. More tips and strategies will be added in the future, so please check back periodically for updates or subscribe to join my mailing list.
- 1-2-3 Daily Coping Practices
- 6 Steps for Working through Intense Pet Loss Emotions
- A Grieving Parent's Rights
- Anger
- Anxiety & Fear
- Circle of Support
- Coming to Terms with Euthanasia
- Compassionate Messages to Myself
- Empty House
- Good Sleep Hygiene
- Grief Backpack
- Grief Emotions Checklist
- Grief Trigger Tips
- Helping Others Who Are Grieving
- Helping Pets Who Are Grieving
- Love Letter to My Pet
- Memorials and Tributes Ideas
- Mother's Day for Pet Moms
- My Pet's Belongings / Keepsakes
- Pets and the Afterlife
- Remaining Connected
- Self-Care Plan
- Serenity Prayer for Pet Lovers
- Signs and Dreams
- Sleep Hygiene
- Small Goals
- Time for a Smile
- Unwrapping Precious Gifts
- When Should I Adopt Again?